18 Feb 2009

Bonsai Tools

A bonsai tree is a result of the artistic instinct and expression of the owner or the hobby-go-after person. In this course the bonsai tree needs to be pruned in order to get a complete makeover. This pruning is a necessity as it helps the bonsai tree to grow beautiful and healthy. This is the way every beautiful bonsai tree grows. For the pruning purposes there are no specific set of tools that are a must. However, there are a few tools that are highly recommended for bonsai growing as they help in bringing up the tree. These tools help to shape and size the bonsai tree and make it look gorgeous and artistic.

These bonsai tools are available across the internet and one can also purchase them from the local nurseries. These tools help in pruning and gardening bonsai trees. You need not collect all the tools at the start itself. The fleet of tools available in the market must not overwhelm you. Initially a few basic tools are enough to start with. Once these tools are acquired you can go on with your regular pruning and maintenance needs. These tools need to be standardized tools as it often happens that the person who buys sub standard tools happens to spend more money on purchasing and replacing tools in the long run. In order to save yourself from burning your fingers, you need to be vigilant about the quality standard of the tools.

The tools that you need are a few beginner tools.
Bonsai wire cutters Every bonsai tree is decorated or controlled with wires. These wires cover the trunk and the branch areas. The bonsai wire cutters help in eliminating the wire around the tree when needed. These wire cutters have customized and well designed mouths to cut chop the wirings when needed.

Concave branch cutter This helps in pruning the unwanted branches. The handles are huge and the tool as a whole can help you in pruning, with the sharp blades.

Trimming shears In case you need to trim the underdeveloped branches, weeds and the roots the traditional shears are used for the purpose. This is extremely time-saving .

Spherical knob cutter The spherical know cutter has a ball shaped head and helps to chop off roots and branch knobs. This is also known as a nipper and is sophisticated tools that can cut outsized stubs at one try.

Root Rake This is a specialized tool that is widely used in bonsai horticulture. The roots that are pruned occasionally often get entangled. The root hook or the root rake is used to entangle these obstinate tangles without harming the roots. A chopstick is used for indoor bonsai. Therefore, there are many tools that can help the owner to prune and maintain the tree and make it aesthetic. This in turn fetches value to the tree. In case you need more sophisticated tools when you learn the bonsai art, you can implement them after consultation with the nursery.
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How to Grow Bonsai

There are some general guidelines for Bonsai lovers who want a suitable Bonsai tree for them. You need to consider a plant with many branches in order to do some real work. The trunk of the plant in hand must be broad enough especially at the lower part or the base. This will do well for the tree in the long run. When considering a tree type, look for one that has small leaves. They must be naturally petite in order to get the best out of your bonsai. The owner needs to be assured by the person from whom he is buying it that the plant is disease-free. Trees with their branches starting at the lower end of the ground are a good option.
The bonsai plant requires care and pruning in order to achieve desired shapes and designs of your choice. The Bonsai hobby or farming can grow from the shrub stage onwards. Some of the options that you have include oak, Bottlebrush, ficus, apple, fig, citrus, etc. These must be decided on the basis of the climatic conditions in your place. In case yours is a humid place, an oak bonsai can be a good choice. In case you belong to the hills cherry and apple fruit yielding bonsai’s can be the best option for you. In case you belong to a moderate temperature destination, a citrus fruit yielding Bonsai can be a good option. You can learn these basic things from the nursery pr from articles like this.

The pot to be considered needs to be shallow in case the tree does not have a thick trunk. This acts like a designer pot. If the trunk of the pot is thin the deepness of the pot must be less. The pot also needs a proper drainage system in order to let air come in and in order to drain out the excessive water coming on to its surface. The pots must be suitable for the plant that you need. The container holes must be kept vigilant as the holes on the container can become gateways for insects at times. When you fill the pot with the soil ingredients

You also need to groom the bonsai plant by pruning the branches at regular intervals and manage the plant in order to see it artistic. The roots also need to be trimmed and pruned at regular intervals in order to connect with the same soil in a refreshing manner. All this is needed as you have the aim to pass this Bonsai from generations to generations and make it healthier.

Once your Bonsai is ready, you can get the wiring material and the other tools in order to get the Bonsai tree groomed and maintained. A mixture of pebbles around the Bonsai tree soil can also help the Bonsai to look smart and aesthetic. The trunk of the bonsai can also be designed or shaped according to your artistic instincts Now that you have done your best, the Bonsai is grown and ready to go travel to events.
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The Mame bonsai is also called as the mini bonsai and is well known with the nurseries and the bonsai lovers. The size of the mame bonsai tree is a striking feature of this kind of a plant. The mame bonsai tree can be accommodated on the palm of a man for the biggest mame bonsai. The smallest mame bonsai tree can fit in a baby’s palm. (Note: we are speaking about the largest and the smallest portion of the mame bonsai.)

The mame bonsai is like a small twig on the branch of an ordinarily sized bonsai tree. This makes the most stunning ingredient of the meme bonsai. However, what is even more appealing is that the mame bonsai tree grows like a normal one and bears fruit and flowers. It also ages with time and has all the common features like the ordinary bonsai trees. The mame bonsai is the type of bonsai that is providing hope to those people who think bonsai growing is difficult. Here, you can get the full information on mame bonsai that is difficult to find elsewhere.

The mame bonsai tree is a kind of tree that anyone can adopt and grow. It is interesting, alluring and easy. The mame bonsai tree has the largest number of beginners aspiring to grow one. There are various types under the mame bonsai that increases the options for those looking to grow and maintain mame bonsai. The tree fits anywhere and doesn’t need a big space for itself. It can be accommodated easily. The tree can be easily taken care of wherever it is placed. Moreover, the mame bonsai tree doesn’t take many years to mature. It can easily grow in a year and be ready. The shorter time frame requires for the maturing and development makes it attractive. Since the mame bonsai tree reaches maturity within a year the list of materials required for the tree is low and this helps the farmer to save money.

The materials also come inexpensively. Everybody looks for reap and this tree is one of its kinds. It offers reap of fruit or the seeds faster than any other bonsai tree due to its low gestation period. Thus, one can easily enjoy the fruits of ones hardwork with the mame bonsai. These fruits may be in the form of seeds or the cuttings that help in growing more trees. The tree almost matches naturally with pots and containers. Thus the container aspect is not a daunting task. Moreover, this tree looks good with any kind of decoration. The tree is used in various homes and office spaces as a part of the decoration material.

The mame bonsai tree can be planted indoors as well as outdoors. The tree doesn’t require complicated care. It just requires basic watering, gardening, training and manuring. Fertilizing is also essential for its growth. It is not recommended to place the tree in confined areas. The tree must be exposed to necessary sunlight however.
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The Juniper bonsai tree is a very sturdy and stiff conifer variety, a non-flowering tree that is preferred by many people, as it is easier to train and trim as compared to many Bonsai varieties. The Juniper Bonsai variety has swift development patterns that very often the tree is marked by large and elegant branches that can be trained to grow artfully like other bonsai styles. Many formations can be formed by training except the popular broom style. However, it is quick in adaptability and styling and this fact is often evident when the person bringing up the bonsai trains it. They grow out to be outstanding with the cabling and restructuring. But, though it may seem easy and encouraging to shape these Juniper varieties, it can be a daunting task for the owner. This is due to the fact that the Juniper bonsai is hard and inflexible. But, again an element of subtle optimism inspiringly says that it is not impossible.

Juniferus Procumben

This tree has an unparallel stiffness that helps it to adapt to indoor as well as outdoor planting conditions. There is also a temperature limit that the Juniper tree is subjected to. If the temperature of the area in which the Bonsai tree is kept to grow gets below 15 degree Celsius, this would not be suitable for the bonsai plant. This would harm the roots or the wiring due to the frost that is formed when the temperature dips below 15 degree Celsius. The winter weather is not a good one for this type of a tree variety to grow.

A green house can be the most apt for its growth, as it provides the necessary warmth to grow healthy. The pot used as a base for the growth of the juniper variety must be covered with warm soil, in order to keep the temperature and the growing atmosphere healthy. This pot that is required for the Bonsai trees must be broad and spacious in order to let the wide branches grow easily and have a good drainage system. In case you are growing this tree in a warm weather, a shady habitat can provide the best conditions for the growth of this tree.

This Juniper bonsai variety actually grows rapidly in the dormant stage. At this stage it needs the proper care provided to it. This is the time when this tree picks up some accelerated growth and therefore an indoor setting is not preferred at this time. Sunlight becomes necessary and mandatory as an indoor setting may be totally dark. In case the Juniper bonsai has been planted indoors, don’t directly take into sunlight. In the first instance, you need to place it in an area with moderate sunshine and pleasant breeze. Later on you must gradually shift it to a sunny area.

Watering is an important part of the growth and survival of the Juniper bonsai tree. The soil around the bonsai roots must be checked a few times in a day for any dryness. As soon as a dry patch is discovered, the soil needs to be watered in order to keep the plant healthy.
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Ficus Retusa

Ficus Bonsai is amongst the most preferred Bonsai trees as this specific variety of Bonsai has many positive features that tempt the buyers and owners to adopt this one. Though there are many options for adoption for the Bonsai lovers, the Ficus Bonsai scores over the counterparts as this one has a strong root system that grips the soil well and makes the tree hard-wearing. The trunk of the Ficus Bonsai is a sturdy one and the roots of the Ficus Bonsai go deep into the ground in curled fashions when grown outdoors in natural spaces. These features clearly distinguish the Ficus Bonsai from the other regular Bonsai trees. Infact, when the Ficus Bonsai variety is grown outdoors the roots go deep into the soil and the tree grows into a giant one, with the tremendous sunshine and the enormous watering that the tree gets. All this, along with the right gardening techniques helps the Ficus bonsai tree grow taller sooner.

Ficus Microcarpa

These Ficus Bonsai trees have certain popular varieties among them like the dwarf Ficus and the narrow-leaf Ficus. Another common and popular variety is the weeping Ficus, which is preferred by many Ficus bonsai owners. Moreover, it can be surprising to learn that there are a more than 2000 varieties of Bonsai trees. However, these Ficus Bonsai varieties are kept indoors as they can be carved and shaped too. They are watered with a high frequency as these Ficus Bonsai varieties tend to go dry frequently. Hence, several books and articles regarding Ficus Bonsai will guide you regarding the watering techniques like sink watering as these varieties get dry really fast. Since the Ficus Bonsai needs light to grow, indoor lights that are customized for the purpose are needed. This can help the Ficus bonsai varieties to grow into healthy trees. However, the Ficus bonsai leaves grow slowly and take a sweet time. This helps the farmer to groom the tree into different shapes and sizes and bring some amount of aestheticism in the Ficus bonsai. You can also train the tree as you like and see it grow as you want it to.

Ficus Benjamina

The bonsai Ficus needs fertilizers to keep healthy and the kind of fertilizers used for the bonsai plant is specifically designed for this kind of variety. A liquid fertilizer that is recommended by many experts is the best option that fits in here. The liquid fertilizer suits best as the roots get some liquid to remain moist. At the same time many experts believe that the soil must not keep moist the whole day. Therefore, rocks in between water are a good option in order to maintain some humidity levels for the roots. This will in turn, help the leaves of the Ficus Bonsai to grow strong.

Therefore, proper care for the Bonsai tree can result in a fully grown, aesthetic tree. With more than 800 species of bonsai out there, Ficus Bonsai trees are a good option for hobby lovers.
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The banyan bonsai is an awesome and appreciated bonsai tree. The banyan bonsai tree is also associated with mysticism and spirituality. This tree is found across Asian countries in bog numbers and they have a unique belief that there are mystical powers, ghosts and supernatural elements present on the banyan tree. This tree is looked up to at times of difficulty and is regarded as an assuring tree. However, it has an unsurpassable beauty with its exquisite art and design. This also makes it a much sought after tree in the global and local markets. Amongst the various bonsai varieties, the banyan bonsai tree sells like hotcakes in the global market. There is a unique feature of this tree that it has the ability to grow on its own when not cared for at times. This tree has wide spreading branches and a thick trunk that makes it a hot seller. The roots of this tree are aerial and look magical.

However, the banyan bonsai tree is much like any other variety from the bonsai family. In order to make it look good and keep healthy, the banyan bonsai variety needs to be trimmed and pruned with the farmer’s tools from time to time. There is also a need for wiring as the tree spreads out if not cared for. This tree is an outdoor tree and responds positively to moderate light.

It should not be placed in the dark of the room. Sunlight is an essential part of the life cycle of the banyan bonsai tree and the owner needs to understand this. Harsh sunlight is not recommended at all. The roots portion needs to be trimmed in a particular ration in order to let some of the roots stay and others to be replaced by new roots. The leaves of the tree along with some of the branches may also need serious pruning. This is recommended in case you want to make your banyan bonsai tree an eye grabber at events and bonsai shows.

The banyan bonsai tree also looks for water. This water is essential to it like the other plants too. Watering the tree in the right proportion can go a big way in making the tree healthy. The drainage system of the pot also needs to be taken care of. The pot need not be glazed. A mud colour pot is best suited for the banyan bonsai tree. An angled pot can be better than a circular one as it has some branches moving out in directions. The drainage hole must be checked for any kind of bacteria or harmful disease causing foreign elements. Fertilizing is also another essential need.

The training part of bonsai must comprise of getting the right turns and twists on the branches. After all this, the banyan tree can be ready and beautiful. You must definitely think of gifting a banyan bonsai tree to your close ones to make them feel special and make their day.
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Bonsai styling is a passion and has certain specific and unique designs for the plant. There are various styles of a bonsai tree that have been passed on from the Japanese and the Chinese to the western world. Chief amongst them are the formal upright, informal upright, slanting style, cascade and the semi-cascade styles.

Formal Upright Style

The formal upright style is attained when the tree is left in the outdoors with the essential conditions. This is a formal upright style where the trunk is formally upright or erect. The trunk however should have a natural narrowing from the base of the tree to the apex of the plant. The branches of the tree must be spaced in a methodical manner. A multi directional view must be looked at, before doing the symmetry in order to make the branches look balanced from all directions. Some of the species that form the formal upright style when worked with are the pines, spruces, junipers, etc.

Informal Upright Style

The informal upright styleis one where the branches of the tree bend in a fashion as to provide shade or to move away from the current of air. The trunk must twist towards the left or the right but not towards the eye of the viewer. This goes for the branches also. The preferred species with this style are the Japanese and the Trident maple.
A slanting style of a bonsai tree is gained when the slant on the branches and trunk of the tree occurs naturally due to rocking winds or low sunray exposure during the development stages. The trunk has a leaning stature despite its hunch. The roots look as if supporting the weight of the leaning tree. The conifers are made for this style. Many other species also do well with this style.

Cascade Style

The cascade style of bonsai is one where the development tip of the cascade goes below the depth of the pot. The trunk tapers almost naturally as if moving against the gravitational force. The branches move high aspiring for some sun beams. The trunk is a twisting kind like the streams of water gushing from the mountains. Most species can fall in this category if they don’t show hints of upright growth.

Semi-cascade Style

The semi-cascade style is pretty similar to the cascade style except that the point or tip of this style does not move out from the base of the container. It stops at the base. The semi cascade style of growth is seen on trees that grow on cliffs usually. The trunk of the tree is not angled in a definite fashion. Here too, the roots that are exposed around the base of the pot play a predominant role of balancing the tree. However the species that work well in this variety are the junipers, cedars and flowering cherries.
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